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Ebook Relato de un náufrago (Spanish Edition)

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Relato de un náufrago (Spanish Edition)

Relato de un náufrago (Spanish Edition)

Relato de un náufrago (Spanish Edition)

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Relato de un náufrago (Spanish Edition)

About the Author

Gabriel García Márquez, nacido en Colombia, fue una de las figuras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura universal. Ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura, fue además cuentista, ensayista, crítico cinematográfico, autor de guiones y, sobre todo, intelectual comprometido con los grandes problemas de nuestro tiempo, en primer término con los que afectaban a su amada Colombia y a Hispanoamérica en general. Máxima figura del realismo mágico, fue en definitiva el hacedor de uno de los mundos narrativos más densos de significados que ha dado la lengua española en el siglo xx. Entre sus obras más importantes se encuentran las novelas Cien años de soledad, El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, Crónica de una muerte anunciada, La mala hora, El general en su laberinto, El amor en los tiempos del cólera, Memoria de mis putas tristes, el libro de relatos Doce cuentos peregrinos, la primera parte de su autobiografía, Vivir para contarla, y sus discursos reunidos, Yo no vengo a decir un discurso. Falleció en 2014.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

1Como eran mis compañeros muertos en el marEL 22 de febrero se nos anuncio que regresaríamos a Colombia. Teníamos ochomeses de estar en Mobile, Alabama, Estados Unidos, donde el A.R.C. Caldasfue sometido a reparaciones electrónicas y de sus armamentos. Mientrasreparaban el buque, los miembros de la tripulación recibíamos unainstrucción especial. En los días de franquicia hacíamos lo que hacen todoslos marineros en tierra: íbamos al cine con la novia y nos reuníamos despuésen Joe Palooka, una taberna del puerto, donde tomábamos whisky y armábamosuna bronca de vez en cuando.Mi novia se Ilamaba Mary Address, la conocí dos meses después de estar enMobile, por intermedio de la novia de otro marino. Aunque tenia una granfacilidad para aprender el castellano, creo que Mary Address no supo nuncapor que mis amigos le decían  Maria Dirección. Cada vez que tenia franquiciala invitaba al cine, aunque ella prefería que la invitara a comer helados.Nos entendíamos en mi medio ingles y en su medio español, pero nosentendíamos siempre, en el cine o comiendo helados.Solo una vez no fui al cine con Mary: la noche que vimos El motín del Caine.A un grupo de mis compañeros le habían dicho que era una buena películasobre la vida en un barreminas. Por eso fuimos a verla. Pero lo mejor de lapelícula no era el barreminas sino la tempestad. Todos estuvimos de acuerdoen que lo indicado en un caso como el de esa tempestad era modificar elrumbo del buque, como lo hicieron los amotinados. Pero ni yo ni ninguno demis compañeros había estado nunca en una tempestad como aquella, de maneraque nada en la película nos impresiono tanto como la tempestad. Cuandoregresamos a dormir, el marino Diego Velásquez, que estaba muy impresionadocon la película, pensando que dentro de pocos días estaríamos en el mar, nosdijo: Que tal si nos sucediese una cosa como esa?.Confieso que yo también estaba impresionado. En ocho meses había perdido lacostumbre del mar. No sentía miedo, pues el instructor nos había ensenado adefendernos en un naufragio. Sin embargo, no era normal la inquietud quesentía aquella noche en que vimos El motín del Caine.No quiero decir que desde ese instante empecé a presentir la catástrofe.Pero la verdad es que nunca había sentido tanto temor frente a la proximidadde un viaje. En Bogota, cuando era Nº y veía las ilustraciones de loslibros, nunca se me ocurrió que alguien pudiera encontrar la muerte en elmar. Por el contrario, pensaba en el con mucha confianza. Y desde cuandoingrese en la Marina, hace casi doce anos, no había sentido nunca ningúntrastorno durante el viaje.Pero no me avergüenzo de confesar que sentí algo muy parecido al miedodespués que vi. El motín del Caine. Tendido boca arriba en mi litera-la masalta de todas-pensaba en mi familia y en la travesía que debíamos efectuarantes de llegar a Cartagena. No podía dormir. Con la cabeza apoyada en lasmanos oía el suave batir del agua contra el muelle, y la respiracióntranquila de los cuarenta marinos que dormían en el mismo salón. Debajo demi litera, el marinero primero Luis Rengifo roncaba como un trombón. No seque sonaba, pero seguramente no habría podido dormir tan tranquilo sihubiera sabido que ocho días después estaría muerto en el fondo del mar.La inquietud me duro toda la semana. El DIA del viaje se aproximaba conalarmante rapidez y yo trataba de infundirme seguridad en la conversacióncon mis compañeros. El A.R.C. Caldas estaba listo para partir. Durante esosdías se hablaba con mas insistencia de nuestras familias, de Colombia y denuestros proyectos para el regreso. Poco a poco se iba cargando el buque conregalos que traíamos a nuestras casas: radios, neveras, lavadoras y estufas,especialmente. Yo traía una radio.Ante la proximidad de la fecha de partida, sin poder deshacerme de mispreocupaciones, tome una determinación: tan pronto como llegara a Cartagenaabandonaría la Marina. No volvería a someterme a los riesgos de lanavegación. La noche antes de partir fui a despedirme de Mary, a quien pensécomunicarle mis temores y mi determinación. Pero no lo hice, porque leprometí volver y no me habría creído si le hubiera dicho que estabadispuesto a no navegar jamás. Al único que comunique mi determinación fue ami amigo intimo, el marinero segundo Ramón Herrera, quien me confeso quetambién había decidido abandonar la. Marina tan pronto como llegara aCartagena. Compartiendo nuestros temores, Ramón Herrera y yo, nos fuimos conel marinero Diego Velásquez a tomarnos un whisky de despedida en JoePalooka.Pensábamos tomarnos un whisky, pero nos tomamos cinco botellas. Nuestrasamigas de casi todas las noches conocían la noticia de nuestro viaje ydecidieron despedirse, emborracharse y llorar en prueba de gratitud. Eldirector de la orquesta, un hombre serio, con unos anteojos que no lepermitían parecer un músico, toco en nuestro honor un programa de mambos ytangos, creyendo que era música colombiana. Nuestras amigas lloraron ytomaron whisky de a dólar y medio la botella.Como en esa ultima semana nos habían pagado tres veces, nosotros resolvimosechar la casa por la ventana. Yo, porque estaba preocupado y queríaemborracharme. Ramón Herrera porque estaba alegre, como siempre, porque erade Arjona y sabia tocar el tambor y tenia una singular habilidad para imitara todos los cantantes de moda.Un poco antes de retirarnos, un marinero norteamericano se acerco a la mesay le pidió permiso a Ramón Herrera para bailar con su pareja, una rubiaenorme, que era la que menos bebía y la que mas lloraba -sinceramente!-. Elnorteamericano pidió permiso en ingles y Ramón Herrera le dio una sacudida,diciendo en español: No entiendo un barajo!.Fue una de las mejores broncas de Mobile, con sillas rotas en la cabeza,radiopatrullas y policías. Ramón Herrera, que logro ponerle dos buenospescozones al norteamericano, regreso al buque a la una de la madrugada,imitando a Daniel Santos. Dijo que era la ultima vez que se embarcaba. Y, enrealidad, fue la ultima.A las tres de la madrugada del 24 de febrero zarpo el A.R.C. Caldas delpuerto de Mobile, rumbo a Cartagena. Todos sentíamos la felicidad deregresar a casa. Todos traíamos regalos. El cabo primero Miguel Ortega,artillero, parecía el mas alegre de todos. Creo que ningún marino ha sidonunca mas juicioso que el cabo Miguel Ortega. Durante sus ocho meses enMobile no despilfarro un dólar. Todo el dinero que recibió lo invirtió enregalos para su esposa, que le esperaba en Cartagena. Esa madrugada, cuandonos embarcamos, el cabo Miguel Ortega estaba en el puente, precisamentehablando de su esposa y sus hijos, lo cual no era una casualidad, porquenunca hablaba de otra cosa. traía una nevera, una lavadora automática, y unaradio y una estufa. Doce horas después el cabo Miguel Ortega estaría tumbadoen su litera, muriéndose del mareo. Y setenta y dos horas después estaríamuerto en el fondo del mar.Los invitados de la muerteCuando un buque zarpa se le da la orden: Servicio personal a sus puestos debuque. Cada uno permanece en su puesto hasta cuando la nave sale del puerto.Silencioso en mi puesto, frente a la torre de los torpedos, yo veía perderseen la niebla las luces de Mobile, pero no pensaba en Mary. Pensaba en elmar. Sabia que al DIA siguiente estaríamos en el golfo de México y que poresta época del ano es una ruta peligrosa. Hasta el amanecer no vi. alteniente de fragata Jaime Martines Diago, segundo oficial de operaciones,que fue el único oficial muerto en la catástrofe. Era un hombre alto,fornido y silencioso, a quien vi. en muy pocas ocasiones. Sabia que eranatural del Tolima y una excelente persona.En cambio, esa madrugada vi. al suboficial primero Julio Amador Caraballo,segundo contramaestre, alto y bien plantado, que paso junto a mi, contemplopor un instante las ultimas luces de Mobile y se dirigió a su puesto. Creoque fue la ultima vez que lo vi. en el buque.Ninguno de los tripulantes del Caldas manifestaba su alegría del regreso masestrepitosamente que el suboficial Elías Sabogal, jefe de maquinistas. Eraun lobo de mar. Pequeño, de piel curtida, robusto y conversador. Teniaalrededor de cuarenta anos y creo que la mayoría de ellos los pasoconversando.El suboficial Sabogal tenia motivos para estar mas contento que nadie. EnCartagena lo esperaban su esposa y sus seis hijos. Pero solo conocía cinco:el menor había nacido mientras nos encontrábamos en Mobile.Hasta el amanecer el viaje fue perfectamente tranquilo. En una hora me habíaacostumbrado nuevamente a la navegación. Las luces de Mobile se perdían enla distancia entre la niebla de un DIA tranquilo, y por el oriente se veíael sol, que empezaba a levantarse. Ahora no me sentía inquieto, sinofatigado. No había dormido en toda la noche. Tenia sed. Y un mal recuerdodel whisky.A las seis de la mañana salimos del puerto. Entonces se dio la orden:Servicio personal, retirarse. Guardias de mar, a sus puestos. Tan prontocomo oí la orden me dirigí al dormitorio. Debajo de mi litera, sentado,estaba Luis Rengifo, frotándose los ojos para acabar de despertar.-Por donde vamos? -me pregunto Luis Rengifo.Le dije que acabábamos de salir del puerto. Luego subí a mi litera y tratede dormir.Luis Rengifo era un marino completo. había nacido en Choco, lejos del mar,pero llevaba el mar en la sangre. Cuando el Caldas entro en reparación enMobile, Luis Rengifo no formaba parte de su tripulación. Se encontraba enWashington, haciendo un curso de armería. Era serio, estudioso y hablaba elingles tan correctamente como el castellano.El 15 de marzo se graduó de ingeniero civil en Washington. Allí se caso, conuna dama dominicana, en 1952. Cuando el destructor Caldas fue reparado, LuisRengifo viajo de Washington y fue incorporado a la tripulación. Me habíadicho, pocos días antes de salir de Mobile, que lo primero que haría alllegar a Colombia seria adelantar las gestiones para trasladar a su esposa aCartagena.Como tenia tanto tiempo de no viajar, yo estaba seguro de que Luis Rengifosufriría de mareos. Esa primera madrugada de nuestro viaje, mientras sebestia, me pregunto:-Todavía no te has mareado?Le respondí que no. Rengifo dijo, entonces:-Dentro de dos o tres horas te veré con la lengua afuera.-Axial te veré yo a ti -le dije. Y el respondió:-El DIA que yo me maree, ese DIA se marea el mar.Acostado en mi litera, tratando de conciliar el sueno, yo volví a acordarmede la tempestad. Renacieron mis temores de la noche anterior. Otra vezpreocupado, me volví hacia donde Luis Rengifo acababa de vestirse y le dije:-Ten cuidado. No vaya y sea que la lengua te castigue.

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Product details

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Vintage Espanol; 1 edition (March 9, 2010)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 0307475387

ISBN-13: 978-0307475381

Product Dimensions:

5.2 x 0.5 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

90 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#119,514 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This short book is a well written tight narrative that kept me reading, not putting down the book, until I had reached the end. The story, which actually happened to a sailor of the Columbian navy, was serialized in a newspaper in Columbia for which Marquez worked. The story had already been reported in the news when Marquez began to serialize the narrative, going into much detail as the storyline takes the viewpoint of the shipwrecked sailor himself. The story is a testament to luck and determination, making the most of opportunity in the struggle to survive. However, it is also an excellent example of Marquez’s ability to focus on the narrative thread as the armature which holds the entire composition together. I finished the book in 4 hours and I think most readers would find this to be a great reading experience.

Marquez's breakthrough book that made his career. Written in a clear, journalistic style, the book is a quick, riveting read about a sailor surviving a shipwreck in the Caribbean Sea. A good introduction to Marquez for youth. As a surfer, I loved the story of life on the open sea.

This is probably my least favorite GGM book. It lacks the rich and raw descriptors that his works normally have. I do realize that this book is a somewhat fictionalized retelling of a soldier's real experiences, and as such, naturally reads differently. However this book this not grip me the way GGM's works normally do, I was not held captive by curiosity until the final pages. It was simply something I read.

I enjoy shot reads with substances. This is a great novel of heroism through survival. It is a must read. Grammar is also impressive.

Read this book in 3 days. Very interesting keep my interest n hard to put down. I found myself in his raft watching this sailor.

A quick read - This story is told in painstaking detail, and one has to admire the recall of the narrator as he recounts the circumstances of the shipwreck, the ensuing 10 days at sea and his ultimate rescue. I was able to feel the roller coaster of hope and despair experienced by narrator, the joys, surges of adrenaline, anger and frustration, determination and resignation.This book had me on the edge of my seat, but mainly because of the preface by the author - The Story of the Story. The story certainly could have stood alone when first written in a series of newspaper articles, later in book form, because the story was still in the recent collective memory of Columbians. However, if I picked up a copy without the background provided by Garcia Marquez - as some of my book club friends did -I would have been lost and frustrated, left wanting more information. The Story of the Story preface gives a depth and completion to the story of the shipwrecked sailor, makes it all the more interesting. Make sure you buy a copy that includes the preface.

Although I'm not usually a fan of this author, this book was fascinating. I read it first in Spanish and liked it so much I got it in English for my book club. It's a day by day account of a shipwreck survivor of his experiences as told to the author. The book is short, the writing clear and explicit, and the descriptions so real, the reader feels as if he/she were there.

I liked the book but my husband didn't, thus 4 stars. It's written very plain and simply. Almost like reading a diary. To me it's an amazing story, well worth reading.

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Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data


“The book does a wonderful job of detailing how to develop questions, probes, analyze data, and organizing our data.” Author: David S. Allen Published On: 2011-09-16“This book is exactly what I was looking for in that it covers interviewing and analysis in depth.” Author: Daphne John Published On: 2011-09-16“The Third Edition will be very useful for graduate students. It appears to seamlessly shift its lens from broad landscapes to close-ups without losing focus on the content.” Author: Sarita K. Davis Published On: 2011-09-16“Students leave this book fully informed of the nuances and complexity of interviewing as well as excited about the promise interview research findings offer.” Author: Hannah Britton Published On: 2011-09-16“This text is well-written and easy to follow. It follows the natural flow of a qualitative project.” Author: Cheryl L. Coan Published On: 2011-09-16“The authors provide a clear and detailed illustration of the nuts and bolts of interviewing in qualitative research. The focus on the reflective process, question development, and procedural steps associated with qualitative research is rich and thorough.” Author: Tracy M. Lara Published On: 2011-09-16“This edition is at once simpler, and clearer yet more expansive and richer in content, examples and use.” Author: Nancy Stanford Blair Published On: 2011-09-16“[The book] is somehow both more concise and more comprehensive than the Second Edition, providing a rich discussion of philosophy as well as design and analytic methods. The authors also have a very pleasant writing style that is engaging to the reader, and provides both clarity of the concepts discussed as well as a sense of a strong knowledge through the use of personal narrative and sharing of experiences.” Author: Eileen S. Johnson Published On: 2011-09-16

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About the Author

Herbert J. Rubin is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Northern Illinois University. He is the author of Applied Social Research and (with Irene Rubin) four editions of Community Organizing and Development. He has written articles based on in-depth interviewing that explore rural development in Thailand, suburban land-use fights, cooperative housing and economic and community development. Both his monograph on Thailand, The Dynamics of Development in Rural Development and his book on community renewal in the United States, Renewing Hope within Neighborhoods of Despair: The Community-based Development Model, are based on participant observation and hundreds of in-depth interviews. He is currently using open ended in depth interviews as well as participant observation to study organizations that advocate for the poor.

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Product details

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; Third edition (October 11, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1412978378

ISBN-13: 978-1412978378

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 0.8 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

30 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#102,717 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Introduction and Stated Aims of the BookHaving published many books and articles that rely on in-depth, qualitative interviewing, Professors Emeriti Herbert and Irene Rubin (husband and wife) have written a third edition of their book, Qualitative Interviewing: The art of hearing data. This edition had been cited 8,381 times on Google Scholar and 3,359 times on ERIC at the time of this writing. Rubin and Rubin state that with the book, they wanted to share their model of responsive interviewing (hereafter RI), and to share the "exhilaration" they have felt as they used the techniques.Overview of the ChaptersTo help readers appreciate and understand the history from which the authors developed their RI technique, they provide an overview of the various perspectives and approaches in research, giving a history of positivism and its descendants, and compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative paradigms. Chapters 1 and 2 discuss the strengths of in-depth interviewing, highlight differences between it and everyday conversations. They describe how the RI model fits in with the two major social research paradigms (positivism vs. naturalism). In Chapter 3 the authors more thoroughly define RI. It is characterized by a respectful relationship of trust, a supportive tone, flexible design and questions. It accepts the complexity and ambiguity of life, and that researchers' and conversational partners' personalities will influence the interviews. They also discuss naturalistic data-gathering techniques.Chapters 4 and 5 discuss designing research for quality, using the RI model. Chapters 6 and 7 discusses building and maintaining conversational partnerships. Researchers should begin by examining themselves and their own biases. RI uses and extends skills from quotidian conversations. Chapters 8 through 10 discuss the structure of the RI: main questions, probes, and follow-ups, and what to consider while writing them. The authors describe four patterns of interviews to help researchers balance the RI structure in different scenarios.In Chapter 11, added for this edition, Rubin and Rubin impart their wisdom regarding coping with interviewing in unusual circumstances (e.g.: cross-cultural, cross-language, and multiparty interviews) and with specialized populations (e.g. technical experts, elites, prisoners, the elderly, and children). Chapter 12 takes readers through the multi-iterative data analysis process, from transcription through coding, sorting, weighing and integrating, generating a theory, and generalizing findings. Chapter 13 discusses sharing the results through various forms of publication. They end the book with their reflections on how working with RI has impacted them, particularly the joy it has brought them.Strengths and WeaknessesThis book has many strengths, and the one that stands out most is both authors' combined wealth of experience. Readers of this book get access to the combined (and collaborated) wisdom, experience, and advice of two highly respected researchers. Rubin and Rubin frequently illustrate their points with anecdotes from their decades of research. In this way, the authors practice what they preach regarding establishing credibility: they use the data to support the major conclusions, and logically lead the reader to the same conclusion that the authors made. Readers may get qualitative data-gathering experience of their own as they read the collection of anecdotes, in addition to being able to learn directly from Rubin and Rubin's imparted wisdom and advice. The authors mention problems and challenges commonly encountered, and usually follow up immediately with a way to address or ameliorate the problems. Additionally, the authors often offer snippets of dialogue that prospective interviewers might use, such as to make a transition, to broach a touchy subject, or to ask for clarification. These aren't provided to put words in the student's mouth, but to give concrete examples especially where further description about the technique would not be helpful. The lines have presumably worked for Rubin and Rubin, but can be adapted to one's own style and scenario. Perhaps therefore the strengths of the book could be subsumed under one heading: applicable wisdom.This 256-page volume stands ready for classroom use, complete with references, and indices by author and subject. Important terms are bolded next to their in-text definitions. Its tone in the second person maintains an accessible conversation with the reader. The book is written for novice qualitative researchers, but journalists-in-training could also benefit. Its wealth of advice from two seasoned professionals also makes it noteworthy for experienced researchers who wish to do (more) responsive interviewing in their studies. In the third edition Rubin and Rubin have included even more of their own anecdotes, while still incorporating the existing literature. Those stories, the new Chapter 11, plus the 2012 discussion on computer-assisted qualitative data analysis make the 3rd edition superior to the 2nd.The book is gender-aware and seems to be gender-balanced, offering both Irene's and Herb's viewpoints on a given topic. One chapter states that women are more likely to give two messages at the same time. Another points out that men and women may think of marriage differently (responsibilities and sexual intimacy vs. emotional support and communication), and therefore should be coded separately.The book certainly achieved the first of its aims. Rubin and Rubin shared thoroughly detailed information about the RI technique, why to do it, how to go about it, and what to expect. I felt like I vicariously added to my own journalistic interviewing experience. They achieved the second objective, but therein lies my only complaint. They took too long to get to openly sharing the joy of RI. They hinted at it in the Preface, and then the exhilaration got put on hold for the lesson on the history of research paradigms. They waited to open the gates until Chapter 14. I wanted to be sold earlier and more often on the joy of doing RI, so I wish they had included it more strongly during the body. Perhaps it could have been woven into more chapter introductions and/or conclusions. Still, this was a minor drawback. I enjoyed reading the book, and I highly recommend it.

On time and as advertised.

Good reference book to support other books on interviewing skills and use of interviews in case studies and for qualitative research.

Great source for interview. More relevant for in-culture interviews than Spradley. This book is laid out and organized well with helpful clarity and is easy to read. A great field resource for interviewing.

I had the previous edition of this book and I am happy also with the new one. Best of its kind.

The book was in excellent condition and I received it earlier. I didn't really order it for pleasure since it was required reading but it still was a fairly easy read and helpful.

Used in my graduate-level Methods of Social Sciences class. I really like this textbook. The information is clear and helpful.

This book was so cheap and looked brand new

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Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series)

Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series)

Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series)

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Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series)

From the Back Cover

The fourth edition of this best-selling guide to Prolog and Artificial Intelligence has been updated to include key developments in the field while retaining its lucid approach to these topics. Divided into two parts, the first part of the book introduces the programming language Prolog, while the second part teaches Artificial Intelligence using Prolog as a tool for the implementation of AI techniques. Prolog has its roots in logic; however the main aim of this book is to teach Prolog as a practical programming tool. This text therefore concentrates on the art of using the basic mechanisms of Prolog to solve interesting problems. The fourth edition has been fully revised and extended to provide an even greater range of applications, which further enhance its value as a self-contained guide to Prolog, AI or AI Programming for students and professional programmers alike. Features: · Combined approach to Prolog and AI allows flexibility for learning and teaching· Provides a thorough representation of AI, emphasizing practical techniques and Prolog implementations· Prolog programs in the book are available for download from the book's companion website at www.pearsoned.co.uk/bratko . Lecturers visiting the website have access to PowerPoint slides. New for this edition:   ·   Coverage of constraint logic programming (CLP) is extended and now introduced earlier in the book, in the Prolog part   ·   Most of the existing chapters on AI techniques have been systematically improved and updated   ·   Coverage of planning methods is deepened in a new chapter that includes implementations of partial order planning and the GRAPHPLAN approach   ·   The treatment of search methods now includes an RTA* program (real-time A* search)   ·   The chapter on meta-programming (now chapter 25) is extended by the addition of sections on abductive reasoning, query-the-user interpreter, and a sketch of CLP interpreter, all implemented as Prolog meta-interpreters   ·   Programming examples are refreshed throughout the book, making them more interesting and practical. One such example introduces semantic reasoning with the well-known lexical database WordNet®    Author: Professor Ivan Bratko leads the AI Lab in the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana. He has taught Prolog worldwide, as well as applied Prolog in medical expert systems, robot programming, qualitative modelling and computer chess research.  

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About the Author

Professor Ivan Bratko leads the AI Lab in the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at Ljubljana University. He has taught Prolog world-wide as well as applying Prolog in medical expert systems, robot programming, qualitative modelling and computer chess research.

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Product details

Series: International Computer Science Series

Paperback: 696 pages

Publisher: Pearson Education Canada; 4th edition (August 31, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0321417461

ISBN-13: 978-0321417466

Product Dimensions:

6.6 x 1 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

18 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#753,161 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

In searching Prolog courses on-line, this book is referenced as #1 over and over again. So far I have read about 1/2 the book. It does not disappoint. I find Prolog a hard language to get proficency. The "declarative style" of programming is very different from the other 3 paradigms of programming. (The other three are procedural, object oriented, and functional. As a prerequisite to this book I would suggest "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs." ) This book gives lots of examples and exposition to get both a logical and intuitive feel of problem solving in Prolog. I am afraid it make take more than one reading to understand Prolog.

Having just read a book on automated reasoning which covered topics in logic, such as unification and resolution, I was very pleased with the prolog programming language, in that it takes concepts from logic, and uses them in ways that can be applied to a number of interesting areas of AI, such as NLP, planning, and expert systems. I thought Bratko succeeded in making this connection with logic, without burdening the reader with notation and concepts that are really not needed for writing or understanding prolog programs.The book also worked for me on the level of providing a good introduction to the syntax and sematics of the language. The first 200 pages succeed to this end.Finally, the last 13 chapters can be summarized as representing an introduction to AI from a prolog perspective. On the positive side, he shows how to apply prolog to all of the modern, main streams of AI study. However, on the negative, the slant towards prolog in these chapters tends to oversimplify these disciplines.My impression of the language is that it seems good as a prototying language, since it is declarative in nature, but from my experimentation (using SWI Prolog) I think I could write better implementations using c or java.In closing, Bratko's book represents a very good place to start learning prolog and the world of AI.

A new edition will be out soon, in 2010. This is an excellent book on Prolog *and* on AI.For example, chapter 19 is an introduction to inductive learning in first-order logic, an advanced topic rarely found in introductory books. The example program HYPER is a very powerful learner as compared to other "propositional" machine learning methods such as decision trees, neural networks, or support vector machines. I have ported HYPER to Lisp and am still exploring it.Prolog is not a very popular language nowadays, but basic knowledge of it is still essential to learning logic-based AI.

Professor Bratko has done a tremendous job of putting all the fundamental concepts of Prolog and its applications in various areas of AI. Although this book is focused on Prolog, the concepts that he has discussed are so fundamental that they can be implemented in other languages like Java as well.I recommend this book to everyone who wants to learn Prolog. I would also recommend the readers to use a Prolog system to work out the examples and exercises as s/he goes through every chapter. A DEC10 Prolog system (like SICStus Prolog) would probably be the best companion for this book.

Though I have just started this book, I can tell that it is going to be amazing. I have been trying to find a good introduction to Prolog for some time now, and this is exactly what I had been looking for. Clear presentation, beautiful and complete editing work, easy to understand, and comprehensive.If you do want to use this book for A.I. though, and you either already understand Prolog or would rather work in lisp/python/etc. this book may be a bit much for you, either in terms of redundancy or over-saturation. However, if you can manage to slug through it (it is rather huge at 678 pgs), I think that anyone interested in A.I. or Prolog could find something helpful in this book.Overall, I am excited to work through this book, and I will probably update my review once I have done so.

I teach programming in Prolog and Artificial Intelligence in a Mexican University.This is an essential book for Prolog programming, excellent!A loving fourth edition 2012 from Ivan Bratko.

For a review of both Prolog and AI-based algorithms, this is the book to read! I learend Prolog AND AI from this in one semester, and it was my very last class bfore graduation. WE used Turbo Prolog and if you can find a copy, I'd recommend it.I've read reviews of this book that state Dr. BRatko is talking to peers or himself. I can't udnerstand it., The text was perfectly udnerstandable to me. And re-reading it, it still is. I plan to use the AI half of the book when writing my master's thesis next year.

First page provides link to web resource page where Prolog code should be available. Unfortunately, if you go there, there is message that "companion web page not available yet" and the only available one is for 3rd edition.Otherwise, great Prolog application book, however here and there pretty shallow, such as chapter on CLP

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Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series) PDF


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After 2 (Volume 2), by Joy Ohagwu

Product details

Series: After (Book 3)

Paperback: 228 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 25, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1533435588

ISBN-13: 978-1533435583

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

49 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#990,903 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

AFTER 2 is an inspirational book in many ways. When I review a book, I try to let you know how the book impacted me. This time the impact is deeply personal and difficult to express. I know that I have a plan to use what I learned from this story. I won't describe the story because that's the job of the book cover. What I learned is something that everyone can apply to their own life. Like a balloon, with a little bit of air (knowledge) we start to take shape, but when you add more air (Jesus in addition to knowledge), you can soar to great heights. That what this book makes me feel.If you purchase this book, I would like to make a suggestion. Please purchase another copy for a Friend that may be struggling and perhaps a copy for your church library too. I believe this well-written book can benefit many.

It is rare to find a story that has been touched by the hands of Jesus; After 2 is a story that speaks from His heart into the heart of His bride. The message in this story is TRUST, no matter what your circumstances look just trust the Lover of your soul. Everything looked bleak for Blossom, but just as Pastor Brian said “The issue is: we’re impatient. We want a solution now. But if you wait for God, He will show up at His right time.” We must wait and trust. This is one of the best books of 2015 and I highly recommend it.

I sat and read the 3 books in this series in one sitting. Thanks,Joy,for keeping me up last night..lol! This pulled me in from the very first page and kept me til the last page of the third book. Preordering the fourth now.

The characters are very believable and so likeable.Lots of people are just a paycheck away from being homeless. With God, we do not have to be afraid. Blossom experienced it and moved forward with God to overcome every problem with determiation and focus on God.You will not be disappointed when you read this book

I am always amazed when I read books by Joy. Each book is profoundly written and brings christian values to life in the characters. She writes such compelling stories that I look forward to reading books written by her. There is a depth in her writing that I truly admire and enjoy. Thank you.

Stretching up, looking up, never giving up! Everyone has an After to go for! Blossom Daniels shows us that adversity does come to Christians! We live in a fallen world. But God! "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me...."Walk with Blossom through the pages of this book, and be encouraged!

A very heartwarming and inspirational series. I'm looking forward to reading all of Joy's books. Her writing captures you at the beginning and doesn't let go.

This book was a wonderful story of a beautiful friendship and Gods grace and how He was in control of the situations in this book.

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This is a sobering book. There’s been much written about the KGB since the Soviet Union’s fall opened many of its files. Pacepa focuses on one aspect of it: Far more KGB energy went into “disinformation” than traditional espionage. Many ideas, misconceptions and flat-out lies taking hold since World War II were secretly generated by the KGB:--That JFK was killed by a right-wing conspiracy (Oswald was a KGB agent);--That Yassir Arafat was a Palestinian (he was an Egyptian);--That Pope Pius XII was a tool of the Holocaust (he wasn’t, and in fact helped a lot of Jews);--That Communist countries were ruled bytheir Communist parties (the dictators, like Romania’s Ceausescu to whom Pacepa reported, ruled; the parties were powerless.)These are just a few. It’s staggering to think of an agency with more than a million employees, as the KGB had, with so many of them committed to generating lies that so many now believe. It used to be said history was written by the winners, but maybe history has been written by the KGB.Pacepa was in a position to know. The head of the Romanian secret police when he defected in 1978, he had been a protégé of the Soviets’ liaision to it, who later became head of the KGB’s foreign intelligence service. Pacepa had close links to the KGB’s highest reaches in its heyday. He was familiar with its operational techniques and can see them, say, in evidence others missed during the Warren Commission investigation. And the KGB farmed out parts of its disinformation projects to the secret police of its colonies like Romania.Disinformation is the art of floating lies to shape future events. A false story is created. Documents are forged. Then it is eased out through several levels of cutouts before a gullible Western press bites on it. The story might be promulgated in a friendly Communist front institution (one of those “peace” institutes) someplace like Sweden, some left-wing academics may advance it, it might make its way from there to a local newspaper, and then finally to some larger media outlet where the KGB’s fingerprints on it are no longer visible. It’s like laundering money.According to Pacepa, the story of the Kennedy Assassination having been a CIA plot began in a KGB memo. The Soviets were worried, justifiably, about Oswald’s Soviet links and shrewdly decided to turn lemons into lemonade by not only diverting history’s gaze but by falsely implicating the CIA.Oswald, he says, had been a KGB agent from the get-go – recruited while a Marine based in Japan because of his access to the radar used in the secret U2 spy plane flights. He alleges that it was information obtained from Oswald that told the Soviets how high the plane could fly and develop the countermeasures that ultimately downed it and pilot Francis Gary Powers, which became an international incident.Oswald’s trip to Mexico City some weeks before the assassination, says Pacepa, was to meet with a KGB spy from its assassinations department. Pacepa’s familiarity with KGB techniques allows him to glean evidence that others, such as the FBI or the Warren Commission, would not have seen. Oswald’s belongings, found after the JFK assassination, included brochures with a movie theater and a bullfight ring marked. KGB procedure for a meet with an agent like Oswald, says Pacepa, was to have a quick meeting at a theater, at which tickets for the bullfight would have been passed, and then meet at the bullfight itself.Pacepa thinks the KGB shrewdly used two American Communist Party leaders as funnels for disinformation that the Kremlin wasn’t involved, and Castro used a similar tactic, play-acting astonishment at the assassination in front of foreign witnesses. A Cuban radio man on duty that day, whose job it was to monitor north of Cuba towards Florida for CIA activity, said he’d been told unexpectedly to shut that down on November 22, 1963 and to monitor Texas instead.Four hours before the actual assassination.Pacepa depicts the darkening of Pope Pius XII’s image by the KGB, specifically through the play “The Deputy” in the mid-1960s.I remember this. It was a news event. A copy of it sat on my parents’ shelf and a lot of their friends read it too. The book cast an accusing finger at Pius for the Vatican’s failures with respect to the Holocaust, alleging his close ties with Nazis and so forth.Pacepa traces the play’s provenance: Nearly everyone who had anything to do with it had Communist ties or was an outright Soviet agent – the playwright, the director, the producer, the translator, the critics such as I.F. Stone who wrote glowingly about it and made it a cause celebre. Stone was a darling of liberal journalism, later shown to have been on the KGB payroll. Pacepa traces earlier cases, such as the persecution of Cardinal Mindszenty, to show how the Communists used similar tactics to try to destroy the Catholic Church in eastern Europe.He brings out surprising facts from that era: That the play (a bad one, panned even by a young Frank Rich) was protested not only by Catholic groups but by the American Jewish Committee and the ADL. Pius was previously regarded as having done what he could for Jews in occupied Europe.One can’t, of course, accept this without asking a few questions. Pacepa, as the former head of a Communist secret police agency, cannot be seen as having clean hands, but on the other hand, it takes a thief to catch one. He says he had managed to avoid assassinations as they weren’t part of his responsibilities as he worked his way up the ladder, but when he was finally ordered by Ceausescu to kill the head of Radio Free Europe (the man was later indeed killed), he chose to defect instead.Some of the areas he gets into are difficult areas. His defense of the Vatican, and of Catholic prelates in Eastern Europe like Zagreb’s Cardinal Stepinac, does not acknowledge troubling Holocaust-related charges in this area. It is difficult to know what information to trust when dealing with,say, the former Yugoslavia; hundreds of thousands were killed by Croatia’s fascist Ustashe there, but no inquiry into it run by the Communists can be taken at face value either, and they themselves killed thousands of Croatians after the war. These are the people who invented the show trial. I would have liked, though, to see Pacepa grapple with this question a bit more.Still, this is an eye-opening book. It’s scary when the evil have so much power to rewrite history, and makes you wonder if, although the Soviet Union and Communism failed, whether they succeeded in these pernicious efforts.

If you want some insight into why so much of the media and entertainment in the US is a war with your values and beliefs—this book will help you understand the forces at work behind the scenes that work tirelessly to promote and popularize that evil agenda.It's completely sad that there are people in the world who care nothing about real freedom and truth—and are driven by ideologies or—(in some cases)—simple greed and/or ambition—but this book provides heaps of well documented information critical to understanding what is going on.It's not an easy read—and is filled with countless footnoted references where the authors "name-names" of people and organizations involved—so after a while your head can start to spin—but I found just looking at the "big picture" about what is being presented—is enough to make this book totally worth it and I learned a ton!

This is part history, part memoirs and part expose. The book is largely told in the first person as a memoir Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa.Pacepa was the head of the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service - the DIE - who defected to the United States as the most important leader of Soviet bloc intelligence to ever defect. In his role as head of Romanian intelligence, he had direct interactions with Yuri Andropov, Romanian President Ceausescu, and the inner working of Soviet espionage, particularly the strategy of "disinformation."Pacepa describes "disinformation" as the strategy of "framing" a subject by revising their history around a "kernel" of truth and then releasing the information through sources not obviously linked to the Soviet Union. The Soviets were masters at disinformation; they used it extensively as an internal device to augment the image of their leaders - through what Pacepa calls "glasnost" - and then subsequently used it on their enemies, such as framing anti-Nazi bishops and leaders as Nazi collaborators. Of course, the best fictional depiction of disinformation is "1984" where "We have always been at war with Eastasia." The Communists, however, were the model for Orwell.Pacepa's book advances a plausible account of how often disinformation, either Communist or homegrown, has played a role in what Americans and Europeans are led to believe. The story encompasses more than the disinformation campaign waged against the memory of Pius XII, but it really was Pacepa's revelation that The Deputy was most probably a Soviet disinformation campaign that forms the core of this book. That bit of information also brought along co-author Ron Rychlak, who is famous for his counter-campaign against the Pius XII smear campaign.The value of Pacepa's account is not so much from what he personally knows. Pacepa does not claim that he knows that the author of The Deputy (Black cat book), Rolf Hochhuth, was a Communist stooge or that The Deputy campaign was a Communist disinformation campaign but given his experience with such campaigns, and his knowledge of facts surrounding the attack on Pius, Pacepa makes a strong argument in favor of Soviet involvement. He also knows that the DIE was tasked with obtaining Vatican records with Pius XII's signatures as part of a disinformation campaign against Pius. Obtaining such documents was a basic element in a disinformation campaign; such documents were used a basis for forging documents and to provide the kernel of truth surrounding the disinformation lie. Pacepa also knew that there was a smear job going on against Pius XII at the time of The Deputy:"The KGB knew what it had to do. It just needed a few Vatican documents to give the operation an aura of authenticity-- a "kernel of truth." Romania had a fairly large Roman Catholic community , so her people and foreign intelligence service, the DIE, were asked to help.General Sakharovsky, who until shortly before that had been the chief KGB adviser to the Romanian DIE and had just been appointed to head the Soviets' entire foreign intelligence service (the PGU, or first chief directorate of the KGB), 3 knew I was in an excellent position to contact the Vatican regarding approval to search its archives. The year before, as deputy chief of the Romanian Trade Mission in West Germany, I had negotiated a "spy swap" with the Holy See, involving four prominent Catholics who had been sentenced to long terms in prison on spurious charges of espionage at the end of a 1951 trial against the Vatican nunciature in Bucharest. 4 The four had been exchanged for two DIE officers (Col. Constantin Horobet and Maj. Nicolae Ciuciulin) caught spying in West Germany. 5"Seat 12" was the code name for the Romanian side of the KGB's operation against Pius XII. The name was an allusion to the pope as occupant//Thus, Pacepa points out that the "Hitler's Pope" meme was actually floated for the first time in 1945 by the Soviets, who were preparing for the next war against Catholicism. (Although Pacepa doesn't mention this, during their rapprochement with the Nazis, the Soviets had actually claimed that the Pope was the lackey of Roosevelt and an opponent of the Nazis.) This claim didn't take, but the claims floated by the Soviets in 1945 appeared in Hochhuth's The Deputy. One might think that this is perhaps a coincidence or it has a common genesis in the pope's behavior during the war, and that is a possibility, but the connection of Hochhuth with long-time agents of Communist influence is well-established. There is also the fact that The Deputy took the world by storm, even though it is a flatulent, bloated bit of anti-Catholic doggerel by a Protestant former Hitler Youth that makes a hero out of an SS officer who worked at the death camps. Why was this mediocre playwright picked out of a well-deserved obscurity? How did all the right people in all the right places all over the world suddenly decide that The Deputy was worth their attention? This is not to say that they were all intentional Communist agents, but we now know that many were, and that they were in a position to influence others.Then there are weird pro-Soviet elements in The Deputy that left me puzzled when I read the play. While I picked up on the planted proposition that the Germans were really responsible for the Katyn Massacre, what really caught my attention was the absolutely crazy claim that Pius was culpable for not recognizing the injustice of the German attack on the Soviet Union. In a pencil swipe, Hochhuth eliminated the actual history of the Soviet partition of Poland. Sometimes there is no "just side" in a war; when two robbers fighting over stolen property, neither has justice on their side. But Hochhuth simply plants the notion that the Soviets were the victims - when their actions, their pact with Germany, gave Germany the green light to invade Poland and start World War II.I don't think that Hochhuth was necessarily a Communist agent, but there may have been a Communist disinformation editor in the mix.Likewise, the Pacepa's description of the historical "Sidelights" section of The Deputy is dead-on:"The historical aspects of The Deputy contain further circumstantial evidence that the show was produced by the KGB's framing experts. The printed play's appendix, entitled "Sidelights on History," has been described as follows:Forty-five pages of demonstration and proof! But the quantity is deceptive. The materials are all mixed up higgledy-piggledy; seldom are we told precisely where the arguments and quotations come from ... "Solid collections of sources are mentioned only in isolated instances; but evidence and witnesses of dubious value are mentioned frequently. ... The work is based on second and third-hand evidence, on popular books which do not even claim to provide a final clarification ... ""Dead-on! I read my way through the Sidelines and couldn't make heads or tale of his sources or his claims. I thought that was my problem, but now that I've read Pacepa, I realize that this is a kind of "tell" - of the kind described by Justus George Lawler in Were the Popes Against the Jews?: Tracking the Myths, Confronting the Ideologues - when the grammar and reasoning starts to get dodgy, hold on to wallet because someone is running a scam. Now that I think of it, the same features appear in Carlo Falconi's appendixes in Silence of Pius XII - which may be another Communist disinformation piece.Interestingly, we also see Carlo Falconi citing The Deputy - an ostensible work of fiction - as if it was historical. Other anti-Pius writers do this also, but whether citing The Deputy as the reason for a personal conversion became a trope or they were trying to take advantage of the "credibility" of The Deputy or it was part of an incestuous conspiracy, who knows? (Although there is a weirdly incestuous relationship among the anti-Pius writers who review each other's books, act as sources for each other and write the commendations on the fly-leaf of each other's books.)I think that Pacepa's inside information and expert analysis makes the case that The Deputy was part of a Soviet disinformation campaign. I think his analysis that The Deputy was subsequently picked up by Cornwell in the 1990s for his own agenda is correct.Moving to a contemporary issue, Pacepa's observations about the use of disinformation and its destructiveness for society also seems accurate. Disinformation is like a drug. Leaders want more and more of it and come to rely on it. Obviously, in a highly advanced, technological civilization, truth is a first-order good. More than that, as Joseph Pieper points out, prudence - which is simply the ability to apprehend reality - is the foundation of all other virtues. By affirming lies and suppressing truth, even about apparently small things, disinformation cuts against the ability to apprehend truth and to have a just society. For example, this week, The Rolling Stones magazine acknowledged that a sensational rape case against the fraternity of a university was a total lie. The reporter was not fired, the liar was called a "victim" and the story was defended on the grounds that although it may have been a lie, it still served a useful purpose of putting the issue of rape into the public discussion. We have become a disinformation culture.Pacepa points out that we have been a disinformation culture for a long time and he is worried about the survival of America because of his own experience with Soviet Romania. For example, he points out how the American - we assume - peace movement has coopted the language of our former enemies:"Today, it is considered bad manners to point to any Soviet source of American anti-Americanism. But throughout their history, Americans had never before been anti-American. They voluntarily came to the United States. They were always a proud and independent people who loved their country and who won every military conflict up until its wars against communist expansion-- the Korean and the Vietnam Wars."One might also point out how the peace movement simply disappeared with the election of Barrack Obama. It is almost as if they weren't concerned with peace so much as who was waging the war.Likewise we see that there is a lot of effort being put in making sure that Americans don't link the War on Terror with Islamic extremism, lest people be incited to hate Muslims. Yet this concern for the defamation of groups is absent when it comes to a media that makes sure to publicize any and every scandal involving a Catholic priest. I have just completed Confronting the Nazi War on Christianity: The Kulturkampf Newsletters, 1936-1939 The Definitive English-Language Edition of the ... History of Religious and Political Pluralism) which documents how the Nazis deliberately publicized morality trials against Catholic priests as an attack on the Catholic Church. Are we to assume that the liberal media is less perceptive about the effects of their editorial decisions that Goebbels, particularly when they are so concerned about the effect on Muslims?Pacepa also has an interesting section on Oswald. I think that most people think that he was a CIA stooge. Certainly, very few people realize that Oswald was a dedicated Communist who spent time in the Soviet Union. Pacepa makes an interesting circumstantial case that Oswald provided the secrets that permitted the Soviets to shoot down Francis Gary Powers' U2 spy plane. He also explains the strange behavior of Oswald's trip to Mexico, which involved, according to Pacepa, "trade-craft." Is Pacepa's speculation that Oswald acted on his own in retaliation for Kennedy's humiliation of Kruschev during the Cuban Missile Crisis true? Who knows? Certainly it is far more credible given the facts than the conspiracy theory floated by far-left loons like Oliver Stone, who has profited nicely on his claim that the Kennedy assassination was a CIA coup. But thanks to disinformation, we can talk about whether the CIA killed Kennedy, and not whether a card-carrying Communist who had spent time in the Soviet Union might have been a Communist agent.When someone reads a book like this, the reader should properly wonder if they are not being made the victim of another disinformation scam. We have no way of verifying the details of Pacepa's career in the DIE, but I have been reading a lot of primary source material on the Nazis and Catholics recently, and Pacepa's story fits the data. He is right about the Soviet origin of the Pius slander - I was surprised when I stumbled over those New York Times articles and read those claims from 1945. His description of Soviet tactics dovetails nicely with Guenter Lewy's The Cause That Failed: Communism in American Political Life, which describes the Soviet infiltration into culture and its use of fronts and fellow travelers and agents of influence. Likewise his description of the framing of Catholic bishops like Mindszenty and Stepinac for allegedly collaborating with the Nazis, which was a lie, is verified by contemporary accounts from the New York Times, e.g., I have a New York Times article that contains Cardinal Stepinac's condemnation of Nazi racial policies. Finally, I have dived deeply into the New York Times archives and the criticisms of the Nazis by Cardinal Pacelli/Pius XII and by the German bishops is simply too numerous to give any rational credence to the slur about "silence."Yet we live in a world where people assume the Catholic church supported the Nazis during World War II.That is either a weird random occurrence or it is the product of enemy action.Once is coincidence, twice is bad luck, three times is enemy action.Based on Pacepa's book we are well-past three times, and it may be time to be a trifle more skeptical about what we think we know.

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Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library), by Bonnie Worth

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Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library), by Bonnie Worth

About the Author

Bonnie Worth is the author of countless books for young readers.Aristides Ruiz has illustrated all the Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library Books, among many others.Joe Mathieu has illustrated countless children’s books.

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Product details

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

Lexile Measure: 650L (What's this?)

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Series: Cat in the Hat's Learning Library

Hardcover: 48 pages

Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (April 27, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780375828836

ISBN-13: 978-0375828836

ASIN: 0375828834

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 0.3 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

18 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#65,380 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

You really cant go wrong with any of these Cat in the Hat books, they are such great books for kids. This book, "Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life" from Cat in the Hat's Learning Library is a bit long for a bedtime story, but still a great read. My 3 year old really enjoyed it, and asked a lot of questions. I like how it covered not only the fish, and frogs from a pond, but also insects and animals and even plants around the pond too! Very cute book. I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review.Thanks <3

This series is wonderful. They are rhyming like the other books, but they are full of interesting information about whatever subject they writing about. My daughter who is 9 loves these books. I think we have maybe six of the series so far. They are educational, but written in a fun way as not to be boring.

Bought this book for our 18 month old son as we live on a small lake. While not a pond (as in the book), I figured it would still be a good reading resource to learn about water animals, insects, etc. Like most children, our son loves Dr. Suess and we watch the PBS The Cat in The Hat so he is well familiar with The Cat. I admit this book may be a little too mature for our 18 month old to fully grasp all of the details BUT it's never too early to start learning, right?? He actually enjoyed the pictures and even picked out the "frog", "duck", etc while I read the book to him for the 1st time. I can see this book being read many many MANY times in the future! Can't wait to look into getting more books from this series.

I've been collecting and reading all of the new Dr. Suess Knows A Lot About that series. They are fun to read and my 4 year old is learning some really involved things about stuff you would not think to take the effort to teach them about. For instance in this book, water striders, bugs that breathe from air bubbles, and algae. The great thing is that the sentences are easy enough that I bet he reads the book to me before he is 6. He already has the words memorized from me reading it over and over that he can complete my sentences - so I know he's listening and absorbing the info. He even points to the pictures to tell me what he knows about the insect/animal before I read the page. Great series of books!

A great book for child education

Perfect book about pond life.

Love these books. So fun but educational too.

In Dr Seuss style youngsters learn about the life cycle of amphibians. Adults will appreciate the lyrical presentation of the story.

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Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library), by Bonnie Worth PDF

Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library), by Bonnie Worth PDF
Would You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library), by Bonnie Worth PDF


Ebook Download Picturing Lincoln: Famous Photographs That Popularized the President

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Picturing Lincoln: Famous Photographs That Popularized the President

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Picturing Lincoln: Famous Photographs That Popularized the President

From School Library Journal

Gr 6 Up-Illustrated books on Lincoln are plentiful, and Russell Freedman's photo-biography (Clarion, 1987) is one of the best. Sullivan focuses on some of the best-known likenesses of this president. During the mid-1800s, photography was still new and fascinating to a public that collected carte de vistes and posed for portraits. Early in his career, Lincoln recognized the power of photography and took opportunities to have his image made and circulated among Eastern Republicans. The book includes a number of excellent-quality, black-and-white photos and reproductions of the president and his family. Those chosen for in-depth discussion are Alexander Hesler's "tousled-hair" portrait of 1857, the Cooper Union photograph taken at Mathew Brady's New York studio in 1860, Anthony Berger's 1864 profile photo, Lincoln and his son Tad in 1864, and the five-dollar-bill portrait. Each one is fully examined in a well-written chapter. This unique and sharply focused volume offers an introductory exploration of photographic processes and photographers while tracing the political fortunes of our 16th president. An fascinating addition.-Patricia Ann Owens, Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmel, ILCopyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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From Booklist

Gr. 5-8. This entry for the Lincoln shelves is a curious mix of biography, media literacy, and the history of photography. Sullivan has selected five images of Lincoln, taken between 1846 and 1864, and examined how they have been used throughout history. In light of our recent election, young readers will be surprised to hear of a time when what politicians said was more important than how they looked saying it. Unless you traveled to see Lincoln in person, you would only know him by his photograph, a single image that appeared on everything from campaign paraphernalia (posters, buttons, ribbons), lithographed prints, and sculpture to engravings, postage stamps, and later currency. Sullivan also talks about how the images were altered. For example, one simple portrait of Lincoln and Tad was revised by artists to include the entire family, with props and backgrounds added for visual and emotional effect. Though not a necessary purchase, this will be a good addition to larger collections and a nice supplement to media studies. Notes and a bibliography. Randy MeyerCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 88 pages

Publisher: Clarion Books (October 16, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0395916828

ISBN-13: 978-0395916827

Product Dimensions:

9 x 0.5 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,469,158 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is a very good book of photos of our greatest president. After all these years looking at his face shows the soul of the man. Every line indicates the extreme pressure he faced in a perilous time in our nations' history.

When I bought this book I didn't realize that it was intended for school children. I needed to research important Lincoln photographs for a talk I gave a local library. The author, George Sullivan, presented a great deal of factual information in a concise, interesting manner and never condescended to his intended audience of young readers - impressive. Mr Sullivan's suggestions for further reading about Lincoln photography were also helpful

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Picturing Lincoln: Famous Photographs That Popularized the President PDF




